10 Reasons I’m Thankful for Harry Potter

If you’re in the USA like me, it’s that time of the year when we shove food in our faces and say we’re grateful for stuff.  But instead of mindlessly gorging ourselves let’s talk about one of my favorite things in the whole world, Harry Potter!

10 Reasons I’m Thankful for Harry Potter

10. Being reminded not to be scared of the unknown through Arthur Weasley’s inspirational enthusiasm for Muggles.

9. The confirmation that chocolate really can cure almost anything. Even when it hops.


8. Dumbledore’s profound quotes…and his hilarious punishments.

7. Learning even the most bullied kid can become the hero.


6. Discovering that the smallest people can make the biggest impacts.


5. Fred and George teaching me not to take things too seriously.


4. Luna Lovegood’s quiet confidence in being different.

3. Hermione Granger’s unapologetic intelligence.

2. The reminder that friendship is everything.

And the number one reason I’m grateful for Harry Potter….

1. No matter what happens, Hogwarts is always there to welcome me home.


Even if you’re not in the land of pie and turkey, you too can let me know what makes you thankful for Harry Potter! I’d love to hear your contributions below.

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