Harry Potter Flying Key Ornaments

Harry Potter Flying Key Ornaments

Create an easy set of ornaments for your Christmas Tree this year! I bought this kit from Amazon, but there are tons of options on Amazon and etsy for flying key sets. You can even use leftover keys around your home.

Check out my Amazon storefront for Harry Potter Christmas ideas and much more.

To begin with, gather your materials. You will need:

  • A flying key set OR keys and materials for wings
  • scissors
  • hot glue gun
  • hot glue

You can hang your keys horizontal, vertical, or a mix of both. I picked a mix of both.

Cut out a length of fishing line to hang the keys. For horizontal keys, tie at both ends. For vertical keys, tie at the top of the key.

Hot glue wings to the keys.

Let dry, hang, and enjoy!



Check out my amazon storefront for all of my ideas on books, Harry Potter, Harry Potter Christmas, and more!

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