Chapter Four: The Seven Potters
In chapter four of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Harry is noble even in a life or death situation, Hedwig peaces out of our tale and it’s sad, and I almost lose my shit at the potential Hagrid death.
(Please be advised that this is a reread and I will be discussing book and movie spoilers.)
We get to what is one of my favorite scenes in DH Part 1 when the order shows up to transport Harry to a safe house, because the trace is still in effect, and yes I will use every chance to promote this awesome song by Harry and the Potters as your soundtrack for this chapter.
The great thing about their new album, Lumos, is that it’s entirely about the seventh book so you can enjoy their banging songs while reading this novel with me, yay!
I know my nitpicking is irritating, but I find it hard to believe this is the best plan to transport Harry. I’ll give a pass because Dumbledore is dead, and he surely would’ve had a better idea, or been able to create an illegal portkey or something, but instead we get seven Harry Potter dupes flying with seven Order members. I will say that I think it’s an absolutely terrible idea to include Mundungus, when we know he’s untrustworthy and doesn’t even want to do it. couldn’t Charlie have popped home to help? We find out later Molly is aces at wand battling so she could’ve replaced Mundungus too. Yet I do have to bow down to Mad-Eye’s wisdom at putting Harry with Hagrid in a motorbike, because being the bigoted, short sighted a-hole Voldy is, he would absolutely never guess that Harry is with Hagrid, the half-giant who is not known for his magical skill.
Lupin and Tonks confirm their shotgun marriage and oooh boy I am not looking forward to recapping how my previous fave REMUS LUPIN fucks up in this book.
Harry understandably is not happy about this plan since it’s probably going to end in the potential deaths of his good friends on his behalf, but everyone talks him down with logic and explanations of free will, and of course, biting, hilarious sarcasm from the twins.
“Well none of us really fancy it, Harry,” said Fred earnestly. “Imagine if something went wrong and we were stuck as specky, scrawny gits forever.
Harry did not smile.
“You can’t do it if I don’t cooperate, you need me to give you some hair.”
“Well, that’s that plan scuppered,” said George. “Obviously there’s no chance at all of us getting a bit of your hair unless you cooperate.”
“Yeah, thirteen of us against one bloke who’s not allowed to use magic; we’ve got no chance,” said Fred.”
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
After Hermione makes Michael Scott’s day by commenting how tasty Essence O’Harry in Polyjuice potion format looks, everyone strips off and transforms and Harry is understandably uncomfortable about six other people inhabiting his body and flashing it around all willy nilly. I’ve got to go here cause I’m a sicko but…how weird must it be to polyjuice into your friend, forever knowing what their body looks and feels like? Particularly for the er….women? Are you picking up what I’m throwing down?
Now that you’ve bleached your brain it’s time for some Grade A trauma. Grab your pearls and clutch at a friend, because this book is going to make you go through some emotional shit. No sooner do our heroes fly into the air than thirty Death Eaters appear. Let’s all praise the Order for escaping this with only one life lost, considering they were down fourteen to thirty, and one of those thirty being Lord V himself, flying around hilariously like a bat midair.
Harry continues his trend of losing all of Sirius’s presents when the firebolt flies to earth and I’m weirdly sad about this, but I do get attached to inanimate objects more then I should. I don’t have time to feel too sorry about this, because then Hedwig, beloved innocent owl companion of Harry and us, the reader, is killed.
Harry spots the Imperiused Stan Shunpike flying and IMO, how you feel about Harry casting Expelliarmus on Stan (therefore alerting everyone to him being the real Potter) reveals your thoughts on our boy wizard. Personally? It’s dumb, yes, but it’s noble and its Harry and it’s right and I love it. I will forever stan Harry Potter (again, fuck OFF Cursed Child! #notmyharry) So LV shows up like hey losers
Hagrid balls out like the badass he is by doing everything possible to save Harry, including leaping off the motorbike onto some brooms with Death Eaters and basically plummeting to his potential death.
I was already freaking out on first read at this point and then my sister demanded I stop reading and go to bed when Voldz shows up to try to kill Harry, and Harry’s wand attacks and destroy’s the borrowed Lucius wand while Harry swoons uselessly. Honestly, Harry wouldn’t have survived without mainly the following: Hermione, his mother’s sacrifice, wandlore, his sliver of LV soul, and take it away, McG!
We end our chapter with Harry escaping into the charmed force field while Hagrid lies sprawled on the ground like he’s dead and I won’t lie reader, I almost lost my shit here. JKR was clearly establishing a pattern of taking away Harry’s Obi-Wans all throughout the books. First his parents, then Sirius, then Dumbledore. It only stood to reason that Hagrid was high on the chopping block, and I almost cried when I thought he was dead.
So we end our chapter with your recapper having a nervous breakdown while her sister demands she goes to bed because we’ve got a full day of Boston shenanigans going on while I do this
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Join in with your thoughts below, on twitter, or instagram with #ReadHarryPotterWithMe. Follow me on my twitter @HSecretLibrary, pinterest, and my instagram @hermionessecretlibrary
Can you think of a better way to transport Harry to the Burrow?
Would you ever want to take Polyjuice of someone? Someone you know? Someone of the opposite sex?
What did you think about Harry using Expelliarmus on Stan?
What did you feel when Hedwig died?
Did you think Hagrid was dead, like I did?
Picture taken at Windsor Castle in Windsor, England. Send me/tag me in your pics of you reading Harry Potter!
Probably one of the best early chapters in any Harry Potter book. I wouldn’t have expected a Voldemort-Harry-encounter so early (even if it is hinted in the first chapter). And it sets the whole Elder Wand plot in motion, by far my favourite subplot in this book.
And Voldemort must be the most despised being in the magical world when even a wand decides on his own to use powerful magic against him (and not the last wand which will act against Voldemort).
Also, here is one of the super-rare moments where I think the movies did a better job than the books. I hate most of the movies, especially the one directed by this amateur Yates, but I must admit giving Hedwig one final heroic scene when she attacks this Death Eater is much better than just let her hit by a random Avada Kedavra in her cage. This also baffles me, because of the only Voldemort-can-kill-Harry-rule. But this was clearly not the work of Voldemort and this spell must have very nearly missed Harry.