A Harry Potter Reread: The Deathly Hallows Chapter 9

Chapter Nine: A Place To Hide

In chapter nine of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Hermione can escape Death Eaters but not sexual harassment, we return to the Black family home, and the greatest bag ever is debuted.

(Please be advised that this is a reread and I will be discussing book and movie spoilers.)

Everyone’s freaking out because Voldz has shown up in the same bridal gown as Fleur and the second hand embarrassment is making everyone die. The trio escape from the shame, greater then that episode of Scott’s Tots, of a dark lord in his seventies thinking he can compete with a young French half veela in the same bridal gown. Tom, you no longer look like this!


For once Harry’s saving people thing is lying in submission (Hermione did you drug him?) and the trio haul ass out of the wedding and into Muggle London. We get our first look at the bag we all want: Hermione’s magical enormous bag o’ everything. She should really mass market this to Muggles and become the world’s first trillionare.

They’ve escaped Voldemort challenging Fleur to a dance off in their wedding gowns but they haven’t missed Hermione getting sexually harassed by some drunken Muggle guys, so our heroes duck into a diner for some terrible greyish


coffee. Lucky for Ron and Hermione Harry’s spidey sense for evil is tingling and he attacks the Death Eaters before they attack him, and our heroes have a  wand fight and defeat two Death Eaters. Ron and Harry debate killing them or not and…er…maybe this makes me bloodthirsty but I feel Movie!Ron was right, and these two deserved to go. Yes our trio are the “good guys” but they let Rowle and Dolohov go…Dolohov, who goes on to kill Remus. At least botch the Obliviate until you’ve got two harmless Lockharts guys! It’s not like the Death Eaters aren’t already on your tail.

Harry decides to risk trying out the safety of Number 12, and they get accosted by some super clever and super creepy safety measures meant for Snape.

We find out the Weasleys are safe (for now, sob) and then Harry’s head splits open and he sees Voldemort forcing D-Malfs to Crucio Rowle for calling him back for no reason. Okay sigh, maybe not killing Rowle and Dolohov was a good idea, because Voldz isn’t looking for their killers. Still though! Do a Lockhart, y’all!

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How much would you pay for one of Hermione’s beaded bags?

How does Draco get the anger for Crucio?

Should they have killed Dolohov and Rowle? Or done something aside from Obliviate?

Picture taken in Pompeii, Italy. Send me/tag me in your pics of you reading Harry Potter!


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