The Twenty Best Weasley Twin Moments

The 20 Best Weasley Twin Moments (According to Me)

I have yet to meet a person who doesn’t enjoy at least one Weasley twin moment. As for me? I enjoy so many I had trouble making a list of ten and expanded it to twenty. In honor of Fred and George’s birthday on April 1st, let’s discuss our favorite Weasley twin moments! I stuck to book moments, and I won’t obsess on how many of these awesome moments on the list don’t make it into the films…yet. Here are my favorite Fred and George moments, in no particular order.


1. Really corking, mum!

Let’s start out with one of my faves, an underrated gem. I love this moment in particular because it’s a great prank that is relatively harmless and not particularly cruel, unlike a few of the twin’s pranks.

2. Swampy Fireworks

The twin (see what I did there? heh heh) pranks of fireworks on Umbridge first day as headmistress and a swamp in the corridor are brilliant, vindictive, mean spirited to Umbridge, and perfect. Though I recently discovered that Filch “punting” students across the swamp means something different in British English and is not nearly as funny as what I was picturing

the swamp Fred and George create to mess with Umbridge and Filch is so iconic that Flitwick keeps a part of it memorialized. And don’t get me started on the fireworks that scream “whee” and spell “poo.”

3. Who are you calling a Mudblood?

A slight moment, but Ron isn’t the only one ready to pound Malfoy into jam when he calls Hermione a Mudblood in book 2. As much as the twins clearly tease Hermione throughout the series, this is a wonderful insight into their true nature as Gryffindors.

4. Skiving Snackboxes

Yeah, Hermione was right that they shouldn’t test them on first years, but other than that the Skiving Snackboxes are a triumph. Extremely clever to make, and end up being one of the top ways Umbridge is driven bananas.

5. The Twins vs. Ultimate Evil

 Sure, this might seem like a minor moment, but look again…(graphic or something) Fred and George spend time hitting Voldemort directly in his face with snowballs and live to tell the tale!

6. Seriously Evil Wizard

The two most represented Fred and George type of moments on my list are Umbridge baiting moments, and Harry friendship moments. When Harry is suspected of being the Heir of Slytherin and everyone is treating him like garbage, Fred and George make light of it, lifting Harry’s spirits, and making me laugh.

7. Eat dung, Umbridge!

The Quibbler is banned on threat of expulsion and what do Fred and George do? They blow it up of course, and charm it to insult Umbridge for hours. Is it their fault it gets kind of annoying after awhile? (Yes. Yes it is.)

8. 2 Harry 2 Potters

Risking their own lives, Fred and George both agree to be decoy Harry Potters in book 7 to help protect him. In true Fred and George fashion, they make it funny.

9. Radio Weasley

A subtly bad ass moment, Fred (and presumably George) risk their lives running Potterwatch, a radio station for those loyal to Harry and his message during the second wizarding war. If caught, they face death. Yet do they care? Of course not.

10. Helping Hands with Harry, Part 1

Even before they know who he is, Fred and George see a lonely first year struggling with his stuff on the first day and help him get it into the train, showing us the beginning of the underrated Fred/George/Harry friendship, and also another sign that they’re kind deep down, as long as your name isn’t Percy or Ron.

11. Shaking Percy’s hand

As the only fan of Percy maybe ever, I love the moment when he comes back and apologizes in Book 7 and Fred shakes his hand after one deserved dig, forgiving him. It only makes his death and Percy’s reaction later that much harder for us as readers.

12. Giving Harry the Marauder’s Map

Let’s be real, is this the nicest thing Fred and George ever do? Forget that they recognize how Harry’s suffering and try to help him…they give up the most bad ass magical object to cause magical mischief without repercussion ever! They could’ve held onto that thing for another two years! Instead, they hand it over without hesitation to help out Harry.

13. Yelling at Wood about Bludger

Proving once more how much Harry Potter and his friendship means to the twins, they yell at Wood when he tells Harry to get the snitch or die trying. We know how much Quidditch means to the twins, and yet they immediately scorn the idea that Harry should put his body on the line to win a match, even against Slytherin.

14. Rescuing Harry in the car

Yeah, maybe you could say that they just wanted to take the car for a joy ride, but they still risk a lot to help rescue Harry, who they barely know at this point, from the odious Dursleys.

15. Harry Potter, WWW CEO

Not just one moment but a series of moments that I adore: the Harry is the benefactor of Weasley’s wizard Wheezes subplot, that is of course completely dropped in the movies. Something about the way that Harry uses his Triwizard earnings to spread joy and help out his good friends the twins is such perfection It’s criminal the movies cut it.

16. The Twins in the Order 

Proving yet again how brave they are, the twins are righteously furious when they can’t compete in the triwzard cup, and even angrier when they can’t join the Order in their seventh year. What bad asses.

17. Saint George, of the Holy ears

After risking their lives for Harry’s life and George almost dying, he still finds the energy to make a series of dad jokes about his permanently missing ear to lighten the mood. Fred usually gets the majority of the flashy Weasley twin moves, and I’m glad we got at least one good solo George moment.

18. Drowning Wood

I have a bizarre love of Wood in the books. Everything he does is hilarious to me. So you add in the Weasley twins, and this tiny throwaway joke is sublime to me.

19. Voldemort’s Constipation

We can debate the ballsiest thing the Weasleys ever do, and there are a lot of options, but openly mocking Voldemort for being constipated has got to be up there. Yeah it’s juvenile humor, but do I care? Hell no!

20. Give her Hell

I might’ve said this list was in no particular order, and I meant it until I got here…the best Weasley twin moment has got to be “Give her hell form us, Peeves.”

Honorable Mentions: Always a fan favorite moment is the “Gred and Forge” moment in book one. I don’t find it as amusing as most, but it still merits an inclusion.

Only movie moments, but these two are some of my faves:


Do you have a favorite Fred and George moment? Have I missed your top choice(s)? Let me know below!

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