Literary Parties
DIY Harry Potter Floating Candles

To throw a proper Harry Potter party, you’ve got to have the decor. You might think this will cost you a small fortune, but if you do it right you can throw a cheap yet amazing Harry Potter party for any occasion. Halloween, Christmas, Birthdays, Graduations, because it’s a day that ends in “y”, whatever … [Read more…]
A Review of Mugglenet Live! 2017

As huge of a Harry Potter fan as I am, I somehow have never attended an official Harry Potter event. That changed on September 1st when I attended Mugglenet Live! at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter Orlando. Two minutes in and I was already having a blast. Full disclosure in that I’m a nerd … [Read more…]
Welcome to Hermione’s Secret Library

Inside you will find magic, riches, eternal youth, the secret of life, and a one way ticket on the Hogwarts Express. Or, y’know, an English degree holding former librarian who is fed up with making excel spreadsheets at her new job and wants to talk about books, secrets, Harry Potter, and throwing literary parties. One … [Read more…]