A Harry Potter Reread: The Deathly Hallows Chapter 22

Chapter Twenty-Two: The Deathly Hallows

In chapter twenty-two of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Harry breaks the taboo, and let’s talk endless camping.

(Please be advised that this is a reread and I will be discussing book and movie spoilers.)

Siiiigh. Okay. We reach one of my problems with this book this chapter. No, not the camping! In fact, lets chat the camping finally like I promised. I get why people are mad at the camping. We waited for ages for this epic conclusion to our beloved tale and then most of the characters disappear, there’s no Hogwarts classes, and our trio wanders around looking fruitlessly for an object and fighting. Me? I would’ve read a four thousand page edition of the Deathly Hallows so I don’t think it drags. However… the camping. It happens for roughly 186 pages out of 759 total, or 24.5 percent of the very last book in the Harry Potter franchise. So if you look at it that way, I think most of us would want something else to happen for almost a quarter of the last Harry Potter book. I love this book, but one of my main criticisms is with the pacing. The camping goes on for ages, and then bambambam the ending. But we’ll get to that later!

So for now…we’ve got a return of Harry figures everything out right now, halfway through the book, and Hermione and Ron doubt him and NO GOD NO WHY


Well I’m going to be fair to Ron, he’s far more willing to believe, but Hermione’s Scully-ing harder then Scully every Scullied and ARGH. Hermione rightfully points out that it’s a good theory but why didn’t Dumbledore tell Harry any of this and it’s even MORE annoying that she’s right but Harry’s also right and Dumbledore did have this hare brained weird half ass plan and okay, Ron really is a time traveling Dumbledore. It’s the only thing that makes sense.

Some more fruitless camping happens (…ok I can see how this isn’t popular in the fandom…) and then Ron finally stumbles upon Potterwatch, the underground radio station Lee Jordan is running with contributions from Kingsley, Remus, and Fred, because George is too busy thinking of wacky ways to show off his ear hole to join the revolution.


We casually find out that Ted Tonks, Dirk Cresswell, and Gornuk the goblin have been killed and Dean Thomas and Griphook are missing and I KNOW I keep saying this but I ALSO want a novella about what was going down with Dean Thomas in this time frame! JKR also wanted this so I hope one day she writes more about Dean. Unless she goes full Nagini is really a woman Dumbledore is having wild sex with Grindelwald the Hogwarts students pooped on the floor and vanished it. Then never mind! I’ll stick to fanfic.

We get some badly needed moments of happiness with Remus saying Harry’s right about everything and Fred roasting Snape and Voldy but oopsie Harry has broken the taboo! he’s called Tom Wossface!

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What happened to Ted, Gornuk, and Dirk, and how did Dean and Griphook escape?

Would you read a novella about Dean’s year on the run?

What are your thoughts on the camping?

Picture taken in Hogsmeade in Hollywood, California. Send me/tag me in your pics of you reading Harry Potter!


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