A Harry Potter Reread: The Deathly Hallows Chapter 21


Chapter Twenty-One: The Tale of the Three Brothers

In chapter twenty-one of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Hermione saves the day part eleventy billion, but would it kill her to believe in the unknown once in a while?

(Please be advised that this is a reread and I will be discussing book and movie spoilers.)

The most visually beautiful scene in the Harry Potter movies commences


this chapter, and Xeno cosigns Luna’s interpretation of Hermione as a lifelong skeptic incapable of believing in anything even though y’know, magic is real. I do find it slightly strange Hermione doesn’t believe in the possibility of the unknown when she grows up thinking she’s a normal Muggle and then discovers at the age of twelve or so that she’s a witch who can do magic and goes off to a gorgeous castle. Her skeptical personality trait must run DEEP.

Xeno and Hermione have a tiff where Hermione’s like come on obviously a magical stone that brings dead people back to life doesn’t exist just like a Snorkack doesn’t exist Mr. L and Xeno is all oh yeah? prove that it doesn’t exist close minded gal and…I kind of feel like Trelawney and Xeno Lovegood are sort of soulmates here? It’s funny because I’m a skeptic but I also


and I kind of side with both Hermoine and Xeno at the same time in this argument.

The trio are startled as hell when they realize the description of the cloak of invisibility is basically Harry’s cloak and that the elder wand has a long history that can be traced, and then disagree about what the best of the Deathly Hallows is. Harry breaks my heart a little when he argues that the stone is the best because he, unlike Hermione and Ron, has lost almost all of the people closest to him and would rather have a weird pale imitation of them back then nothing.

As interesting as this debate is, Harry realizes Luna hasn’t been home in ages, Xeno reveals Luna has been taken because of his pro Potter Quibbler stance, and the Death Eaters are on their way.

Okay Xeno is definitely spineless but…I can’t find it in my heart to blame him. He tried to do the right thing, his daughter was kidnapped, and now he’s willing to do anything to get her back safe. It’s wrong and yet I can’t think him evil.

Hermione Granger Saves Ron and Harry Part One Million commences and I hope somewhere Hermione has a giant golden statue of her engraved with the phrase Queen and Savior of the Savior of the Wizarding World. Also? On that statue? She’s clearly sitting on a pile of golden books.

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Why is Hermione so skeptical of magic and the unknown still?

How do you feel about Xenophilius turning on the trio?

Who has saved who more…Harry saving Ron/Hermione or Hermione saving Ron/Harry?

Picture taken at Diagon Alley in Orlando, Florida. Send me/tag me in your pics of you reading Harry Potter!


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