Honeydukes and Wizarding Candy Craft

I have a problem. Well, many problems, but I’m referring to candy. You see, I love to display my DIY Honeydukes Jars with real candy in them, but then I end up getting weak one day and scarfing the candy like Ron with chicken. Hit up my amazon storefront for all of my ideas on books, Harry Potter, Harry Potter Christmas, and more!

So what’s a better way to get Harry Potter candy that lasts for your bookshelf displays? Fake candy! Follow my simple tutorial.

Gather your materials. You will need:

  • A chocolate or ice cube mold. I used this one and this one, but you can find a ton on Amazon and other places.
  • Air dry clay
  • Paint
  • Paintbrushes
  • Newspaper or other material for paint

Gather your clay and your chosen molds.

Place clay in molds.

Squeeze it into the cracks tightly with your fingers.

Let the clay dry overnight, or at least for many hours.

Pop out dried clay pieces.


Paint with your chosen colors. I used a metallic gold for my snitches.

Paint one side, let dry, and flip. Then paint the other side.

Display and enjoy!


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Check out my amazon storefront for all of my ideas on books, Harry Potter, Harry Potter Christmas, and more! This blog does contain affiliate links.



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