Harry Potter Key Display

DIY Harry Potter Key Display

I’ve gotten into collecting these gorgeous keys from LitJoyCrate (not a promotion, I wish they gave me free stuff) and I needed a way to display them. Originally, I put them on my Target jewelry holder and I loved the way that looked, but eventually I just had way too many keys to fit and needed a new display. I ended up creating something very similar to my wand holders.

Hit up my amazon storefront for all of my ideas on books, Harry Potter, Harry Potter Christmas, and more for even more ideas.

Gather your materials. You will need:

Stickers or decals (optional)First, I took some wood I had bought from Michaels. You can use any wood material you have handy. I measured out where I wanted my hooks, and then screwed them in by hand.

I wanted my holders to be white to blend into my walls more, but I think beautifully painted wood or other colors would look gorgeous as well.


After drying, I added some decals.

If you have any painting talent (I have none) I would suggest painting “Alohamora” or other Harry Potter symbols on them, or you can leave them undecorated.

Either add hooks and nails or command strips, Like I did.

Hang and if you used command strips, let rest for a while before adding keys.

Add your keys then enjoy!

Check out my amazon storefront for all of my ideas on books, Harry Potter, Harry Potter Christmas, and more! This blog does contain affiliate links.

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