A Guide to the Harry Potter Stores in Universal Orlando

If you love shopping for Harry Potter merchandise like me, you might find the way Universal Studios in Orlando has set up their stores to be wonderful…or infuriating. Because Universal has made it so that you cannot find every piece of Harry Potter merchandise in one single store.  There are a few stores that come close to having everything, but not a single one currently has all of the merchandise available in one place. If you’re in a rush, or you want to see everything at once, or you hate shopping, this sucks. But if you want to drag your friends and family into every single store in the Wizarding World for the ambience and need a good excuse to do so, rejoice! For now you can peruse every single store in the Wizarding World, and you have a good excuse. If you’re short on time or just want to make a shopping plan, here’s a guide of all the stores you can purchase Harry Potter merchandise in. If I’ve listed a store as Hogsmeade it’s in Universal Studios Island of Adventure, if I’ve listed it as Diagon Alley it’s in Universal Studios.

Shopping in The Wizarding World of Harry Potter

Quality Quidditch Supplies (Diagon Alley)

QQQ is full of Quidditch gear. It mostly is a clothes and accessories store (aimed at the Quidditch theme) and contains things like jerseys, Quidditch jewelry, Quidditch supplies like balls and brooms, and more! This store directly connects to Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes and Sugarplum’s Sweet Shop so if it’s super hot or raining and you need to stay indoors this is a good place to start shopping.

Best For: Store Ambience, Quidditch Lovers

Ollivanders Wand Shop – Hogsmeade at Islands of Adventure

Ollivander’s (Hogsmeade)

If you’re wand shopping, I prefer Ollivander’s in Diagon Alley. However, Ollivander’s in Hogsmeade is a super cute store that connects directly to __ store and is still worth a browse. Be advised it’s very small inside the Ollivander’s part and after the Ollivander show the guests will file into the shop, making it even tighter.

Best For: Store Ambience, Wand Lovers

Ollivanders Experience in Diagon Alley | Universal Studios Florida
Ollivander’s (Diagon Alley)

If you only have time to go to one Ollivander’s, I prefer this one. It’s a much larger store that contains a ton of different wands to select from. This shop only contains wands and doesn’t connect to any of the other Diagon Alley stores, so if you don’t want to buy one and you’re in a hurry you can skip it. Wands are sold in the main park stores and in Citywalk, so it’s easy to buy one without going to Ollivander’s.

Best For: Store Ambience, Wand Lovers

Honeydukes in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter: Candy List and Prices — UO FAN GUIDE
Honeydukes (Hogsmeade)

The best place to buy candy and treats! It’s brightly colored in the best way and crammed full of candy options, more so than Sugarplum’s Sweet Shop. You can make your own custom mix of candy, and buy cupcakes and other snacks here. This is where you’ll find a lot of official candy merchandise, as well as Honeydukes branded items.

Best For: Store Ambience, Candy Lovers, Exclusive Hogsmeade Merch

Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes at Universal Studios Florida | Orlando Informer

Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes (Diagon Alley)
A lot of the items sold here used to be sold in Zonkos in Hogsmeade, before the interior changed over to fully Honeydukes when Diagon Alley opened. The shop itself is one of the absolute best for the ambience. They have quite a selection of cute WWW shirts and joke items, as well as Pygmy Puff merchandise. This store directly  connects to Sugarplum’s Sweet Shop. If you are a big fan of this store/the twins, make sure you stop here as a lot of the items for sale can’t be found anywhere else.

Best For: Store Ambience, Jokesters, WWW merch

Sugarplum's Sweet Shop at Universal Studios Florida | Orlando Informer

Sugarplum’s Sweet Shop (Diagon Alley)

The main entrance is around the corner, but you can access this smaller sweet shop through Quality Quidditch Supplies as well as Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes. Lacking some of the Honeydukes branded merchandise and candy, this store still has a ton of candy, Chocolate Frog Merchandise, Bertie Bott Merchandise, and more! A bonus is that it’s usually far less crowded than Honeydukes. Some of the items for sale I saw here I didn’t see anywhere else.

Best For: Candy lovers, Candy merch

Globus Mundi Store Now Open in Diagon Alley! – Orlando ParkStop

Globus Mundi (Diagon Alley)
This store is super cutely decorated, rarely full, and also has a lot of travel themed merchandise. Pick up a passport book or luggage set, and if you’re a big Hogwarts Express fan almost all of that sweet train merch is here! A lot of the merchandise here is hard or impossible to find in other stores.

 Best For: Store Ambience, Travelers

Wiseacre's Wizarding Equipment♥.•:*´¨`*:•♥Diagon Alley | Harry potter diagon alley, Harry potter locations, Harry potter aesthetic

Wiseacre’s Wizarding Equipment & Scribbulus (Diagon Alley)

This large store is located at the end of the Escape from Gringotts ride. It contains a lot of clothing, collectibles, and things like keychains and stationary. It’s usually not super crowded and has very fun decor to look at.

Best For: Store Ambience, Writers, Collectors

PHOTOS: The Magical Menagerie Reopens at The Wizarding World of Harry Potter – Diagon Alley in Universal Studios Florida - WDW News Today

Magical Menagerie (Diagon Alley)

Such a cute store, MM is full of stuffed animals of magical creatures. It also has shirts and other clothing items related to magical creatures. A lot of the clothing options here I haven’t seen in other parts of the park, so this is a must stop if you want a gorgeous Hedwig or Unicorn top.

Best For: Store Ambience, Animal Lovers, Exclusive merchandise

Madam Malkin's Robes for all Occasions at Universal Studios Florida | Orlando Informer

Madam Malkin’s Robes for all Occasions (Diagon Alley)

A store aimed at replica clothing mostly, like the Potter robes and house ties, socks, headbands, etc. You can also spot Snape’s robe sand Fleur’s wedding dress on display, and pick out your very own Hermione’s Yule Ball dress! Most if not all of the items here are repeated in other stores. However this is the only place you can see the costumes on display.

Best For: Collectors, Clothing replicas

PHOTOS: New Harry Potter Dark Mark Bags and Wallets Arrive at Universal Orlando Resort - WDW News Today

Borgin and Burkes (Diagon Alley/Knockturn Alley)

Not only is the store location and ambience one of the most unique (if not the most unique) of all the stores, the merchandise contained within is often only found here. This store has dark arts displays, clothing, accessories, bags, replicas, and more, all themed for the Dark Arts. There’s also a life size replica of the Vanishing Cabinet from movie/book 6 that you can take photos with.

Best For: Store Ambience, Dark Arts Lovers, Exclusive Merch, Originality of Store, Escaping the Heat

Orlando, Florida. March 02, 2019. Owl Post in The Wizarding World of Harry Potter Hogsmeade at Universals Islands of Adventure Stock Photo - Alamy

The Owl Post & Dervish and Banges (Hogsmeade)

These stores connect to each other and also to Ollivander’s. They hold a lot of cute merchandise of various types, like robes, brooms, accessories, collectibles, etc. You can also send mail and get official Hogsmeade postage here. All of the stores in Hogsmeade are smaller than their Diagon Alley counterparts and more crammed full of people, but I still recommend them for shopping and ambiance.

Best For: General collectibles

Filch's Emporium™ of Confiscated Goods - Universal Studios Hollywood

Filch’s Emporium of Confiscated Goods (Hogsmeade)
A good collection of clothing, replicas, collectibles, and more are all here, at Filch’s. A small downside is the surge of people leaving the Forbidden Journey ride that funnel in, but this store has a wide range collection of items, making it a good overall store to shop in. Most of the items here are repeated in other stores.

Best For: A variety of collectibles

Wizarding World of Harry Potter merchandise added to Islands of Adventure

Islands of Adventure Trading Company

Located near the entrance to Islands of Adventure (on your left on the way in, on your right on the way out) this store has a lot of Harry Potter merchandise. This is a great place to get replicas from, as well as keychains and pins, as they seem to have all of them here. There’s also wands if you missed out earlier, clothing, and almost any type of merchandise you can think of. A drawback is that this store is not in the Harry Potter land and is not Harry Potter themed. It contains items for sale from a number of rides in the park. So if you’re really into that magical feeling, this store is not the one for you. I do think it’s worth a stop, as they have a wide variety of merchandise and the store is often less crowded. This is the best store if you collect keychains and/or pins.

Best For: Less Crowds, Wide Variety of Merchandise, Pin and Keychain collectors

Front facade of Universal Studios Store at Universal Studios Florida

Universal Studios Store (Universal Studios)

Almost identical to the Islands of Adventure Trading Company, this store is also on your left on the way into Universal Studios, and right if you’re on your way out. It contains a smorgasborg of Harry Potter merchandise, pretty identical to the store in Islands of Adventure. It also has the same downfalls as the Islands of Adventure Trading Company, and is also smaller.

Best For: Less Crowds, Wide Variety of Merchandise, Pin and Keychain collectors

Universal Studios Store | Universal CityWalk Orlando

Universal Studios Store (Citywalk)

This store might contain the most Harry Potter merchandise of all the stores overall. And you can access it without ever entering either park! So if you’re in Orlando and can’t make it to the parks, you can park at Citywalk (parking is not cheap though, FYI) and walk to this gigantic store containing merchandise from both Universal Parks. I definitely saw some things in this store that I didn’t see anywhere else, so I highly recommend everyone check this out on your way out of the park. Main drawback is that it’s not Harry Potter themed and doesn’t have the same “magic” to it as a store in the Diagon Alley or Hogsmeade part of the park.

Best For: Less Crowds, Wide Variety of Merchandise, Exclusive Merchandise

Check out my amazon storefront for all of my ideas on books, Harry Potter, Harry Potter Christmas, and more! This blog does contain affiliate links. If you want to read my personal rankings of all the Harry Potter films click here!

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