How to Make an Easy DIY Quill Pen

I’m a huge fan of crafts and creating art, but I’m also pretty terrible at both. That’s why I love to bring you simple crafts like this easy DIY quill pen! It requires little skill, money or time but it’s still enjoyable to do and you end up with a neat product at the end. As part of my ongoing series on how to throw a Harry Potter party, here’s how to make your own.


To begin, gather your materials. You will need:

  • Acrylic paint of your color choice (I used gold due to the color in the feathers)
  • A feather with a hollow end
  • A cheap plastic pen
  • A paint brush




First, pry apart your pen by taking off the cap and pulling the ink out of the tube of the pen. This requires very minimal force.

Next, take your paint and paintbrush and cover your pen with as many coats of paint as necessary.

Next, take your pen and feather and shove your pen inside the feather. It’s really that simple!

Now you have your own quill pen that actually writes!

Make like Hermione and take some notes in your next class, but watch out for any suspicious diaries lying about…


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