A Harry Potter Reread: The Deathly Hallows Chapter 20

Chapter Twenty: Xenophilius Lovegood

In chapter twenty of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Ron and Hermione go full Mulder while Harry goes full Scully, and Luna’s got the best ceiling mural ever.

(Please be advised that this is a reread and I will be discussing book and movie spoilers.)

Ron’s taking his turn as the chipper one in the group while Hermione contemplates how his balls would look bronzed around her neck as penance for running out on them. RWeaz fills Harry in that the reason they got caught previously is due to Lord V being such a precious little prince about his fee fees getting hurt when someone uses his actual name…you know, the name he made up himself…


that he’s put a trace on it. Errr, Voldyshorts, it’s not like they’re calling you Tom Riddle, bro!

Ron has a brilliant theory that Dumbledore is still alive and passed along the sword (…really this gives further credence to the bananas Ron is Dumbledore theory because Ron is still alive) and Hermione finally looks up from writing plans on how to ruin Ron’s whole life by spreading rumors about his spattergroit infested man parts and requests a visit to Xenophilius Lovegood, most sane of men, because she’s  found the little symbol from Deathly Hallows in a letter from Dumbles to Grindelwald.

Harry’s suddenly turned into the Scully


because they’re getting so much further camping around with no leads, and Ron is the hype man to Hermione’s Mulder


mostly because he dearly wants to get his bronzed man parts back from Hermione.

So the trio journeys to the Lovegood home, which by law is the weirdest home we’ve seen yet, yes even weirder then the mansion that has albino peacocks with a grown man in the dungeon, a place with a ghoul in the attic, and the Dursley’s sterile hellhole.

For a man who’s been telling everyone to help out Harry Xenophilius (this will be the last time I type that dang name) is not particularly happy to see them.

In a book filled with touching moments, let’s take a moment to pause and get teary over Luna’s homage to her friends painted on her ceiling. On one hand, I love that our final book features our OG trio more then anyone. On the other hand, I miss our beloved characters like Luna, Remus, Hagrid, etc being featured more, so I needed this Luna moment.

After Xeno offers our heroes some tea and food that sounds like vomit chunks in water (you’re welcome for that) we get our first shout out to the Deathly Hallows when XLovs names the “Grindelwald’ symbol round his neck.

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What is the weirdest home we see in the series?
Would you rather eat the Gurdyroot food or Hagrid’s rock cakes?

Why is Harry suddenly a skeptic?

Picture taken at Diagon Alley in Orlando, Florida. Send me/tag me in your pics of you reading Harry Potter!


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