13 Ways to Create a Magical Harry Potter Christmas!

Do you want to get into the Harry Potter spirit this Christmas? Why not turn your home into a A Very Harry Christmas haven? Here’s some ways you can turn your holiday into magic! Hit up my amazon storefront for all of my ideas on books, Harry Potter, Harry Potter Christmas, and more!

  1. Buy a Harry Potter stocking. I got these personalized ones from Pottery Barn but you can hit up Etsy, or make your own!

2. Hang a Harry Potter Banner. Either put it on a wall, bookshelf, doorway, or add it directly to a Christmas tree as a garland.

3. Add touches of whimsy to your displays. For mine, I added silly paper hats, a garland of colored lights, and miniature trees. I also hung some of my Harry Potter banners.

4. Put up a Harry Potter Tree. I got a tree on sale, slapped on some colored lights, and then went to town adding tons of my Christmas DIY ornaments. Buy ornaments, create your own, or do what I did and do both!

5. Make the Burrow or Hogwarts out of gingerbread. This one is far beyond my crafting ability, but follow this tutorial if you are interested!

6. Play Harry Potter Christmas music. Not just the fun soundtracks from the movies, but why not sing about “Nargles in the Mistletoe” with the Moaning Myrtles? Ask Voldemort to make Harry Potter disappear with Draco and the Malfoys?

7. Bake Harry Potter Christmas cookies. There are tons of cookie cutters on etsy and other stores, so make some delicious dough and get to baking!

8. Buy or make Harry Potter wrapping Paper. You can purchase your own or follow some fun tutorials to make your packages Potter themed.

9. Open up a Harry Potter Advent Calender. Count down to Christmas with one of these beauties, whether it be socks, legos, or funkos! I’m obsessed with the funko calendar myself but why not get them all?

10. Cook Harry Potter holiday meals with the Harry Potter cookbook! Make warm butterbeer, pies, and other delicious treats!

11. Make a Harry Potter wreath! Buy a budget wreath and add Harry Potter materials to make it your own unique design.

12. Create a Harry Potter Garland out of ribbon and paper and hang all over your home!

13. Decorate with Harry Potter ornaments. Use of one my zillion tutorials to make a super easy Harry Potter ornament! Browse pinterest for more ideas!

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