10 Harry Potter Christmas Decor Ideas

Do you have a home that is desperately in need of some magic this Christmas? Here’s some ideas to add a little whimsy to your life for the holidays.

Check out my Amazon storefront for Harry Potter Christmas ideas and much more.

Don your handknit sweaters for this spectacular Christmas at Hogwarts decor

From the blog Offbeat Home & Life here’s a link to make your home look this amazing.

The mum-of-four spent £600 on the Harry Potter themed Christmas decorations

A mom from Scotland made this absolutely beautiful setup for her family here!

Chickpeameatball shows you how to make your own gorgeous tree, complete with free printables!

Harry Potter Christmas Tree

Majorgates gives you a wonderful tutorial for this stunning HP tree!

Harry Potter Christmas Tree: This Christmas we wanted to do something really special and maybe start a new tradition. I give you...the Harry Potter Christmas Tree! #HarryPotter #HarryPotterTree #HarryPotterChristmasTree #Christmas #themedtree #holidaytree

Another beautiful tree option is done by Nourishing My Scholar here!

Image may contain Plant Christmas Tree Ornament Tree Animal and Bird

A generous share from a mom in the UK, check out this Harry Potter Christmas setup!

Stunning and original, here’s a tree from epbot! 

DIY Hogwarts Trunk Ornaments

I am obsessed with this DIY trunk ornament from Artsy Fartsy mama!

Harry Potter Themed Christmas Tree

I love this golden and silver tree from Design Dazzle!

And of course…how could I possibly leave off some Harry Potter Christmas Decor ideas from yours truly?

Tiny trees, if you’ve got limited space!

DIY Wreaths!

DIY Garlands!

DIY Tree garlands/banners!

Mini trees and funny little hats!

DIY Ornaments (I’ve got at least 30 different tutorials to show you!)

What are you planning for your Harry Potter home this holiday season?

Check out my amazon storefront for all of my ideas on books, Harry Potter, Harry Potter Christmas, and more!

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